Double Homecoming Week continues at Rocky and Lovell

David Peck
Both north Big Horn County high schools – Lovell and Rocky Mountain – are celebrating Homecoming 2023 this week, though Lovell got a jump on things with some activities last week.

Lovell High is celebrating homecoming with the theme “YOLO” (you only live once) and started last Thursday with Class Color Day. A powder puff football game was played Thursday evening.

Friday was Blue and White Day at LHS, and students held the annual homecoming pep rally Monday night at Winterholler Gym featuring a variety of games, the LHS dance team, crowd cheers and the announcement of the homecoming royalty. A bonfire followed.

Special dress-up days this week included Rhyme Without Reason Day on Tuesday and Barbie and Ken Day on Wednesday. Country vs Country Club Day is on tap for today (Thursday) with a second Blue and White Day on Friday.

The annual Chili and Cinnamon Rolls senior class fundraiser will be held tonight (Thursday) from 5 to 7 p.m. at the high school cafeteria.

Home high school sporting events this week include Powell at Lovell in volleyball Thursday at 4, 5 and 6 p.m. and the homecoming football game Friday at 7 p.m. with Lovell hosting Rich County, Utah.

The homecoming dance will follow the football game Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the high school multipurpose room.

Rocky Mountain

Rocky Mountain High School has been holding a traditional homecoming week with events starting Monday and culminating on Friday.

According to student council advisor Tori Kidgell, the RMHS homecoming theme is Beat the Buffs – beat as in a music beat.

Like Lovell, there was no school on Monday and, thus, no dress-up day, but Rocky hosted Riverside in a junior varsity football game, followed by a movie night at the cafeteria.

Tuesday was Music Genre Day, with each grade dressing in the style of a particular genre. A buff puff boys volleyball game was held Tuesday evening.

Wednesday was Class Color Day, and the annual Homecoming Olympics were held Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday is Pajama Day, with students urged to come to school in “clean, school appropriate pajamas,” Kidgell said. The annual Navajo Taco Dinner, sponsored by the junior class, will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, followed by the powder puff girls football game from 6:30 to 7 p.m. and the homecoming pep rally featuring games, skits, the introduction of teams and the crowning of the homecoming royalty at 7 p.m., with a bonfire to follow. The cross country team will run in Worland Thursday afternoon.

The Navajo taco dinner costs $10 plus $1 for a drink and $3 for a scone.

Friday is Brown and Gold Day, with students encouraged to wear school colors.

In a change from the former schedule, the homecoming parade will begin at 9 a.m., Kidgell said.

“This year we are inviting the community to our homecoming parade,” Kidgell said. “We will head north on South Second Street East toward Main Street and end up at the elementary school. We would love for the homecoming parade to be a community event. We want people to come and watch, and people are welcome to have a float in the parade if they want. They just need to contact me if they are interested at”

After a short assembly at the elementary school where Grizzly cards will be given out, a talent show will be held at the middle/high school.

The homecoming football game will kick off Friday at 7 p.m. featuring the Grizz vs. conference rival Greybull, with the royalty introduced at halftime. 

A homecoming dance will be held Saturday in the school cafeteria from 8 to 11 p.m.