Law Enforcement Challenged
[caption id="attachment_8960" align="alignnone" width="300"] Several local law enforcement officers have accepted the ALS Challenge, raising money for the ALS Association. Here, a front-end loader dumps water on Lovell Police Dept. officers and dispatchers (l-r) Officer Jared Knudsen, Dispatcher Jennifer Massey, Chief Nick Lewis, Officer Kris Brimhall and Sgt. Noe Garcia. In the ALS Challenge, those challenged can accept the ice bucket challenge, make a donation to ALS or do both.
Courtesy photo[/caption][caption id="attachment_8957" align="alignnone" width="294"] Lovell Fire Dept. Captain Bob Mangus dowses Big Horn County Emergency Management Coodinator Jason Beal with cold water for the ALS Challenge Friday morning at the fire hall in Lovell.[/caption][caption id="attachment_8959" align="alignnone" width="294"]
Lovell School Resource Officer and sheriff’s deputy Steve Coleman gets a cold bucket of water over the head from Fire Dept. Capt. Bob Mangus last Friday morning at the fire hall.[/caption][caption id="attachment_8958" align="alignnone" width="215"]
Leslie Blackburn looks quite pleased to be able to splash her father, Sheriff Ken Blackburn, with ice cold water as part of the ALS Challenge Friday morning at the Lovell Fire Hall.[/caption]