From Our Files: January 3
100 Years AgoThe Cowley Weekly ProgressJanuary 3, 1913Brace Stanton, who was visiting in this city, was informed by phone early Monday morning that the Masonic Temple in Cody, valued at $28,000, had blown down. The brickwork on the building had just been completed and the contractors were waiting for the steel trusses.75 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleJanuary 6, 1938Television tests made by Roger Howell, former Worland youth, are attracting the attention of Long Beach, Calif., residents. A Long Beach newspaper reports that “human images were hurled through the ether between Long Beach and Los Angeles in one of the most successful television experiments in southern California.”50 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleJanuary 3, 1963A new record was made by the Lovell factory of the Great Western Sugar Company during the past campaign, when half a million bags of sugar were refined for the first time in the factory’s 46-year history. Christmas eve marked the record setting event with the 500,000th bag of the year going through the stitcher.25 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleJanuary 7, 1988Sports photo: Big Roger Haney helped boost the Lovell freshmen to a win over Powell Tuesday night with 25 points. Here, he powers for two over a pair of Powell defenders.