Police report: Lovell police make four arrests during the week

The Lovell Police Department received the following calls for the week of September 23-29:

September 24: Police responded to a call on East Third Street about a suspicious Dodge truck parked for a long time across the street. Police responded, and the man was just watching a movie and enjoying the views. 

September 26: The fire department responded to a call on Jersey Avenue about a “gas odor” that was being smelled. Firemen arrived but detected no gas. 

September 27: Police responded to a call on East Third Street about a man walking around with a shotgun. Police responded and it turned out to be a guitar and not a shotgun. No citations were issued nor arrests made.

September 28: Police responded to a disturbance call of yelling and shouting on Jersey Ave. After the police arrived they discovered that Ezekiel Nathan Martin was allegedly in illegal possession of a firearm and in possession of illegal drugs. He was arrested.

Police responded to a disturbance call that occurred on West Second Street. A brother was reported to be drunk and causing a scene. Police responded and conducted a breathalyzer, then made the arrest of 20-year-old Kaige Zander Allphin. He is being referred to adult court.

September 29: Police received a call from West Main Street. It was a woman letting the police know that their house is not on fire, it is just a smoke machine decoration for Halloween. 

Lovell Police also made the arrests of Sasha Nicole Rimmer and Tara Geneva Cliame on warrants.
