Byron news: A busy October in Byron
I think I am suffering whiplash from watching September go by like a whirlwind. I almost missed it before it was gone. Sometime during the month a few changes have taken place.
Many of you have noticed the new home building taking place on Hatch hill. It is now finished and occupied. Janene and Don have moved in. They had a weekend of family that came and helped sort, pack and move from the old homestead to the new place. Now the challenge is to find whatever one needs when it is needed. Having help to move is a blessing, getting settled in afterward is an ongoing endeavor.
A chili cook-off was held Saturday at the Town Hall. It was sponsored by JG Photography (Jake Gruell) and the Byron Bar. The first Byron Chili Bowl Cook-off winners were first place Jacob Gruell, second place Justin Larson and third place Dwayne Jackson. The hope is to do a yearly chili cook-off. All money raised will help families in need over the holidays. There were a total of six entries and about 60 hungry folks were served.
The Seniors lunch is back in full swing and will meet Thursday, Oct. 17, at noon at Town Hall serving stew, rolls, ice cream and cookies. Sounds like a good feast.
Saturday, Oct. 19, weather permitting, enjoy Byron Halloween Pyromusical at the Byron Jones Park. Nachos will be served at 7 p.m., and fireworks begin at 7:45. Should be an explosion of fun put on by Josh and Caleb Sanders.
Halloween evening, October 31, will find us at the trunk or treat on the street in front of Byron Town Hall. Enjoy hot dogs and visit the Town Hall or tables outside. Festivities start at 6 p.m.
Some of us are waiting for our pretty flowers to stop blooming so we can get our Halloween and fall decor up. The turning leaves are helping out, but I have a hard time saying goodbye to summer. We are trying to not turn the heat on as long as possible at our house. The sweaters and blankets are out of storage and being put to good use. Hopefully, fall will drag on and winter will be a mild one. I’m sure there are those out there who actually look at an almanac, but I would rather not.