Commission discusses speed bumps, flooding of county road

Barbara Anne Greene

 County Engineer Willie Bridges gave a bridge replacement update at the commissioners’ meeting October 15. There is a preliminary layout for the Rairden Bridge near Manderson.

“The intent is to close that road for the period of time they need to build the bridge,” he said. “We’ve asked they not have it closed during grain harvest time.”

He has not received an update for the bridge replacement in Shell.

Bridges also discussed the work that needs to be done at a railroad crossing on Rairden Lane. The crossing itself is fine, but the road is full of potholes. The railroad requires a permit. They will provide flaggers. He believes county Road & Bridge staff will have to go through some railroad safety training.

G-P has asked for speed bumps to be placed on the G-P Road (Lane 16½). Bridges said speed bumps on a county road are not good. Maintaining the road is harder and the snow cannot be plowed. He understands G-P’s desire to slow down traffic as it comes into its plant yard. There was some discussion about abandoning/vacating a portion of the county road. Commissioner Dave Neves asked if that would be like the county road/haul road layout at Wyo-Ben. Bridges said yes.

North End Road & Bridge Supervisor Eric Mann explained that the county snowplows turn around at the intersection of the county road and G-P’s haul road. They do not go into the plant. The commissioners supported vacating a portion of the road.  Bridges will work on details. 

Bridges discussed an issue with a pipe that gets plugged and floods County Road 12. It has been doing this for a while. Mann said he and Bridges looked at it last year, too. Bridges said there used to be a ditch the water ran into, but one of the landowners removed that ditch. Now the water is trying to find someplace to go; it just wants to run down the county road. Commissioner Deb Craft said since the water was from irrigation, is it a state engineering water issue rather than a county issue. Bridges said in some ways it is, and in some ways it is not because it is hurting the county road. Mann said things work fine until the pipe gets plugged. 

Bridges suggested putting a pipe under the county road but has concerns that it will flood out a field. Commission chair Bruce Jolley recommended talking to the party doing the irrigating and asking his thoughts. Mann mentioned he talked to the same person last year, who said they had a solution, but nothing has been done.

Deputy County Attorney Jennifer Kirk said similar concerns have been raised in the past. She asked if it creates a safety hazard for traffic using the road. Mann indicated yes. She also asked if the county puts in the pipe, will the county then be held responsible for fixing the pipe in the future? Bridges said the pipe causing the issue is on private land. He and Mann will discuss further with the landowner to get the matter resolved. 

Mann suggested the subject of Road 10, off Road 32, be revisited. It is not a county road. There is an easement. In 2003 it was on track to be a county road, but that didn’t happen. He said there are so many landowners down there now, it is causing issues including people building fences right on the edge of the road, moving phone boxes and the like. The county has no jurisdiction to do any work as it is not a county road.

Further discussion ensued, including that this situation is like subdivisions. The landowner who creates the subdivision is responsible, not the county. Jolley said the county has always maintained the road. The reason is because it is a bus route. It was suggested that the landowners create a petition. Craft said she would make it so that fences and such would have to be moved if the county adopts the road. Jolley added there should be some options about width, maintenance, bus stops and more. 


County Land Planner/Airport Manager Paul Thur presented his department updates at the October 15 commission meeting. He said he is still working on the relocation of the fuel pits in Greybull.  He said the pilot’s lounge in Cowley is moving forward.

The commissioners tabled the airport board appointments until after the airport board meeting. 

For land planning Thur discussed a subdivision off U.S. Highway 14A. Five of the lots were in a floodplain and would have to access through one. He walked the property with the developer. Thur suggested a different configuration for the lots to remedy the concern. 

In other news:

• J Haas, a resident on Road 26 1/2, requested and received approval for the location of a sign placement.

• An executive session was held to discuss potential litigation.

• The county treasurer asked if she and a staff person could take a NACO training online class. She provided the cost to the commissioners. The commission approved her request. 
