Homecoming 2024 Rocky schools celebrate homecoming ‘At the Movies’

By David Peck

With Lovell High School wrapping up homecoming last Friday, Rocky Mountain Middle/High School will take center stage next week to celebrate Homecoming 2024 with the theme At the Movies.

The fun begins Monday, Oct. 7, with Movie Monday, with each grade choosing a movie for the first dress-up day. Seniors chose Grease, juniors Despicable Me, sophomores Inside Out, freshmen the Barbie Movie, eighth graders Scooby-Doo, seventh graders Space Jam, sixth graders Willy Wonka and the staff Avengers and DC Comics.

Greybull comes to town for middle school volleyball and football at 4:15 p.m. while the junior varsity football team plays in Thermopolis at 5 p.m.

Tuesday is Construction or Neon Day, and student council advisor Tori Kidgell said many students and staff members will be wearing Tucker Tuff T-shirts. High school and middle school student council members sold T-shirts as part of a fundraiser. Additional shirts will be available through Kidgell, who can be contacted at tkidgell@bighorn1.com.

The Lady Grizzlies will host Worland for a volleyball match at 5 (JV) and 6 p.m.

“We will be doing a silent auction during the volleyball game to raise funds for Tucker Schulenburg, who was injured in a car/firework explosion this summer,” Kidgell said.

To donate items for the silent auction contact Kidgell.

Wednesday is Class Color Day with seniors wearing black, juniors blue, sophomores white, freshmen pink, eighth grade orange, seventh grade red, sixth grade purple and staff green or camo. The annual Homecoming Olympics will take place during sixth through eighth periods, and the Buff Puff volleyball tournament will run from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m.

Thursday is Bikers vs. Surfers Day, and the annual Indian Taco Dinner will run from 4 to 6 p.m., sponsored by the junior class. Prices are $10 for a taco, $3 for a dessert or fry bread and $1 for drinks.

The Powder Puff football game will start at 6 p.m., followed by the pep rally at 7 p.m. featuring games, skits and the crowning of the homecoming royalty. The annual bonfire that can be seen from space will follow the pep rally.

The middle school and high school cross country teams will run at the Powell Invitational Thursday afternoon.

Friday is Brown and Gold Day, and the annual homecoming parade at 9:30 a.m., with lineup commencing at 9 a.m.

“We will head north on South 2nd Street East toward Main Street and end up at the elementary school,” Kidgell said. “We would love for the homecoming parade to be a community event. We want people to come and watch, and people are welcome to have a float in the parade if they want. They just need to contact me if they are interested. 

“After the parade we will return to the school for our high school talent show with class videos.”

The Grizzlies will host Greybull at 7 p.m. for the homecoming game with royalty introduced at halftime.

“During Friday’s football game we will continue our fundraiser with a ‘Money Minute.’ Student council members will go throughout the crowd for one minute collecting extra change,” Kidgell said.

The homecoming dance will take place Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m. with royalty announced at 8 p.m. 

