Lindsay receives prestigious Daniels Scholarship

Patti Carpenter

Lovell High School senior Carissa Lindsay is one of 23 Wyoming high school seniors named as Daniels Scholars this year. Lindsay joined the prestigious group of 209 students across Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah accepted into the scholarship program. 

Lindsay plans to attend the University of Providence in Great Falls, Montana, where she will pursue her passion for the shot put event on the track and field team. She will begin her general education courses in the fall. She plans to pursue a career in nursing. After the completion of her first year of college, Lindsay will serve an 18-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When she returns from her mission, she will complete her Bachelor of Science in nursing, with the goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. 

Daniels Scholars may use their scholarship at any accredited nonprofit college or university anywhere in the United States. Daniels scholars have their full cost of attendance covered at partner schools in Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah and up to $100,000 over four years if they choose to attend a school outside the four-state region. The Daniels Fund will cover Lindsay’s tuition and fees, room, board, books, supplies and other miscellaneous educational expenses. She will also receive a laptop computer and support before, during and after college.

Students are selected for their strength of character, leadership potential, commitment to serving the community and academic potential. As the living legacy of Daniels Fund founder Bill Daniels, Daniels Scholars embody the values he most cherished — ethics, integrity, honesty, respect for people, loyalty, reliability, entrepreneurial spirit, patriotism, dedication to community, commitment to excellence and etiquette.  

“We are thrilled to support the educational aspirations of this tremendous group of young people,” said Hanna Skandera, president and CEO of the Daniels Fund. “They represent the next generation of leaders, and we can’t wait to see the amazing things they will accomplish with this opportunity.”

A total of 5,000 students have received the Daniels Scholarship since its inception. Nearly a thousand Daniels Scholars are attending approximately 200 colleges and universities throughout the United States at any given time. The fund, established by cable television pioneer Bill Daniels, has awarded more than $260 million in scholarships since the year 2000.