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Lovell to get airline service?
100 Years AgoThe Cowley Weekly Progress, August 10, 1912The Barnum & Bailey shows in Billings were attended by perhaps the greatest crowd that the Sugar City has ever had within its gates. Aside from all the many people who remained up town, the circus people actually sold in round numbers 18,000 tickets. What do you know about a get-rich-quick scheme?75 Years AgoThe Lovell Chronicle, August 12, 1937In a letter from J. Kirk Baldwin, state treasurer and president of the Cheyenne Flying Service, the Lovell Commercial Club was advised this week that Lovell was one of the stops on a proposed passenger and express airline covering parts of Wyoming. Baldwin states that plans are practically complete for inauguration of the service.50 Years AgoThe Lovell Chronicle, August 9, 1962Wilbur B. Wilkins, commonly known as “Wee Willie” Wilkins, who this year was elected into the Football Hall of Fame, will arrive here Monday to take the head football coaching job at Lovell high school. Wilkins stands 6’8” and weighs close to 285 pounds and has been named by some as the finest professional tackle in modern day football.25 Years AgoThe Lovell Chronicle, August 13, 1987Photo: Four area residents were among 13 students who graduated this month from Northwest Community College’s Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program. The four Lovell residents are Cathy Gifford of Cowley, Betty Snyder of Byron and Mondell Workman and Jody McClure, both of Lovell.