Banks close locally in 1923
100 Years Ago, Oct. 5, 1923
The Cowley Progress
Why a state bank examiner? Not a long time since there was a bank failure at Kane, which almost wrecked that community with the loss entailed. The cashier of the institution was to all appearances guilty of many things, which to the laymen looked like premeditation. He was released on a $500 bond, and we will probably never hear of him again.
Within a few weeks after this took place the Big Horn County Bank at Basin closed its doors one morning after having received deposits the day before. The closing of this bank took along with it the savings of a lifetime of many people and leaves them absolutely without recourse to recover.
This week another Basin institution closes its doors, having been in charge of a representative of the state bank examiner’s office for about two weeks prior to its closing and receiving deposits up to Monday night and failed to open for business Tuesday morning.
Why the added expense to the people, who are losing their money, of a bank examiner?
75 Year Ago, Oct. 7, 1948
The Lovell Chronicle
In the Syringa room at the Hotel Bannock Monday evening, Sept. 13, Miss Sylvia Burrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Burrell, 422 N. Hayes, became the bride of Dwight S. Despain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Despain of Lovell.
The bride is a Pocatello High School graduate with the class of 1947. She received a scholarship to Brigham Young University and attended that school for one year as an art major. The groom is a graduate of Lovell High School. A Navy veteran of World War II, he served two years in the Pacific theater and is now a junior at BYU.
50 Years Ago, Oct. 4, 1973
The Lovell Chronicle
Receiving a “First Class Excellent” rating in this year’s University of Wyoming Journalism Department publications awards presentation was the Cowley High School “Cat’s Meow.” Recognition was given for exceptional overall performance during the 1972-73 school year.
25 Years Ago, Oct. 8, 1998
The Lovell Chronicle
Today is Helen Walker’s 91st birthday. Helen was born to Fred and Susan Bassett on Sept. 16, 1907, in Kane. She corrected herself, “It was Iona, but more people will recognize Kane.” She started school at age 6 in Iona in a small one-room school. ... The drinking facilities consisted of a bucket and dipper sitting on a bench at the back of the room. Everyone drank from the dipper and then put it back in the bucket. The teacher, Mary Valk, boarded with her family. She attended high school in Kane for two years, then transferred to the Big Horn Academy in Cowley.
Helen married Ariel Walker in 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. She was left a widow with five boys, Dean, Lewis, Bob, Ned and Mark, to raise; they ranged in age from 15 to under 3, in 1946. The family struggled along until the kids were all in school. Helen then returned to teaching. (She had taught for three years prior to marriage.) She retired with a total of 25½ years accomplished.
10 Years Ago, Oct. 3, 2013
The Lovell Chronicle
Lovell native April Nicholls has joined the staff of Lovell Elementary School as a new kindergarten teacher. Nicholls graduated from a two-year program in elementary education at Northwest College. She also earned her Bachelor’s Degree in education online through Valley City/State University. Nicholls student taught at LES in the fall of last year for one semester. She was born and raised in Lovell and graduated from Lovell High School in 2003.