From our files: Clubs sponsor new athletic park in 1949
100 years ago, May 2, 1924
The Cowley Progress
The Stampede committee is busy formulating its program and making plans for the biggest show ever held in Cody and for the entertainment of the largest crowds ever gathered together in the history of the Big Horn Basin. The dates set are July 3, 4 and 5, and on the second day will be unveiled the memorial to Buffalo Bill, the equestrian statue which is the handiwork of Mrs. Gertrude V. Whitney.
75 years ago, May 5, 1949
The Lovell Chronicle
The Lovell development committee, composed of members chosen from the Commercial Club, Jaycees, Lions, American Legion and V.F.W. Organizations, is striving to reach their goal this summer for an athletic park with lights. After a great deal of study, the committee discussed the possibility of having the athletic park on city property which is our old baseball park at the present time. The town council has now passed an ordinance calling a special election to provide for the issue of $10,000 in park improvement bonds, the money to be used for the construction of a lighted field suitable for night baseball, softball, football or any other sport that could be played at night under lights.
50 years ago, May 2, 1974
The Lovell Chronicle
In view of the off-road travel restrictions that have already affected many states, a meeting was held Monday night, April 29, with the idea of forming a bike club and of obtaining land for a dirt bike course. “Right now, we’re just trying to get everybody’s ideas,” stated Wayne Spragg, one of Lovell’s motorcycle dealers. “We want to get organized and get the land for a track before it’s all closed to riding.”
25 years ago, April 29, 1999
The Lovell Chronicle
If you have driven by Rocky Mountain High School lately and noticed all the building materials on the north side, you probably wondered what is going on. Mrs. Willis is the sponsor of the High School Ecology Club, which has 18 members. They received two grants, one from the Game and Fish and one from the Forest Service, to landscape the front of the school.
10 years ago, May 1, 2014
The Lovell Chronicle
Over the past 14 years the Byron Memorial Park has been under construction of sorts. Many of the Sessions family (descendants of Byron Sessions, our founder) pooled their own personal resources, as well as donations of others and commissioned Steve Wirth (also a Sessions descendant) to sculpt the statue that would honor Byron Sessions. The purpose of the park has been to honor the pioneers who came to the Basin.
As a memorial park, there needed to be note of the many from the community who served in the military through the years. Later, some felt that the oil companies who have been a part of the community for more than 100 years should also have recognition. Marathon has donated a small replica derrick and a pump, which will be installed, as well as a plaque honoring the men from the community who worked in the fields around Byron.
The project that is now happening is scheduled to be finished in May. There will be trees, cement walkways, grass, a sprinkler system and benches.