From Our Files: December 20
100 Years AgoThe Cowley Weekly ProgressDecember 21, 1912Next Wednesday is Christmas, and The Progress heartily wishes its large family the compliments of the season—a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.75 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleDecember 23, 1937Dr. W. W. Horsley has informed us that he will offer a prize of $5 for the best home Christmas decorations on the exterior in Lovell. His prize will go to the home accomplishing the most striking effect in lighting or other decoration with the least expenditure. Other prizes for the most spectacular decorations are being offered by the Commercial Club as usual.50 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleDecember 20, 1962Photo: Merry Christmas, Jeff. Little Robyn Sessions, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sessions, poses with Jeff Doerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doerr, in much the same manner as any little girl about to give a present to a little boy. Taking a look at Jeff, one would say that boys aren’t half as shy about receiving presents as girls are about giving them. The Chronicle staff uses this means to wish all our readers a most happy Christmas and a joyous New Year.25 Years AgoThe Lovell ChronicleDecember 24, 1987Photo: A mixture of farmers, bankers, hay cubers and company officials met in Powell at the announcement of the opening of the Alfa Cubes, Inc. hay cube operation at the old Cowley cannery. Pictured are: Bill Higdon, Mark Robertson, Charles Hessenthaler, Don Darrington, Jeff Pearson and Rich Higdon.