From our files: Revelle BPW Woman of the Year in 1974

100 years ago, Oct. 24, 1924

The Cowley Progress

Chas. Marchant has purchased from the Cowley Gas Co. one of the celebrated AuTomatic Electric wash machines, which is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Bart says any man that loves his wife will immediately get her one of these AuTomatics. So there, you know what to do.

75 years ago, Oct. 27, 1949

The Lovell Chronicle

Announcement is made of the opening Saturday of the new Carter Oil Company Servicenter on Main Street. The new modernistic station is of the latest design with curved glass front windows and attractive metal tile in white and red for the facing to carry out the company colors. Inside, the building is arranged to give two separate stalls for greasing and washing and other servicing of cars. The parking area around the dispensing pumps and the station is ample to handle large trucks and numbers of cars. The station will be operated as Culver’s Servicenter with Ray Culver as the lessee and manager.

50 years ago, Oct. 24, 1974

The Lovell Chronicle

One of last year’s Outstanding Elementary Teachers of America, Marilyn Revelle, has been chosen as the Business and Professional Women’s Club Woman of the Year for 1974-75. Revelle  attended Casper College and received her BA from the University of Wyoming. She organized and taught preschool class at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and has served as assistant Girl Scout leader, camp counselor and troop organizer. She was the pilot teacher for Lovell’s ITA reading program and team teaching. She has also served as supervisor for five student teachers.

She has been active in the BPW, serving as president of the Lovell federation, as a director for district five for two years and is currently district director.

She is a member of Delta Kappa Gamma honorary for women educators and belongs to the Lovell Education Association, the Wyoming Education Assoc., the National Education Assoc. and St. Joseph’s Altar and Rosary Society.

25 years ago, Oct. 21, 1999

The Lovell Chronicle

Exactly how President Bill Clinton’s proposal of using an executive order to bar any development on 40 million acres of federal forest land will impact the Bighorn National Forest is unclear. District Ranger Dave Myers said one area that would be considered roadless is Bucking Mule Falls to Horse Creek.

Senator Mike Enzi said the proposal could bar timber harvesting as well as effectively restrict fishing, hunting and other recreational uses if these uses require motorized vehicles. He believes the management plans already in place should be followed.

10 years ago, Oct. 23, 2014

The Lovell Chronicle

For Chad Heiser, it was a dream come true. A longtime avid hunter, Heiser was thrilled to draw a mountain goat license for the Beartooth Mountains in Northwest Wyoming. 

“We did a lot of glassing and had horses up there, but due to my bad knee I didn’t get to kill the goat I wanted to,” he said. “I was hoping for something bigger, but this one was nine inches (the horns). I was hoping for a 10-inch one. He’s probably 250 to 300 pounds.”

Heiser said he will have the animal mounted – a full-body, life-sized mount.
