From our files: Rose City West under construction in 1974
100 years ago, Dec. 12, 1924
The Cowley Progress
The first Tuberculosis Christmas Seal ever seen in America made its way from Denmark to New York City on a letter received by Jacob Riis. It came from Copenhagen, the birthplace of Mr. Riis. This great philanthropist wrote back to inquire as to the significance of this little seal and learned that the tuberculosis stamps were being sold in Denmark to aid in the fight against tuberculosis there. (Riis had lost six brothers to tuberculosis.) So impressed was Jacob Riis by this idea that he wrote an article for publication in both the “Outlook” and the “North American Review.”
Miss Emily Bissell of Wilmington, Delaware, read these articles and immediately sensed the value that such a project would mean in America. So she, too, designed a Christmas Seal and thus the first sale of Christmas Seals in the United States was conducted in 1907, and the funds were used to maintain a tuberculosis shack on the banks of the Brandywine.
For years tuberculosis had led all of the diseases in the toll of deaths but since the birth of the Christmas Seal and the Crusade of the Double Barred Cross the death rate of that once dreaded disease has been cut exactly in half. Today, we save 100,000 lives a year.
75 years ago, Dec. 15, 1949
The Lovell Chronicle
National Guard drill will be open to the public next Monday night was announced by Captain Mark Robertson, commander of Service Battery 300th Armored Field Artillery. Parents and friends of guard members are especially urged to attend. Drill will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the armory. The opportunity will enable those who are interested to see a sample of the training received.
50 years ago, Dec. 12, 1974
The Lovell Chronicle
One short year from the date of the purchase of the land, Rose City West is far on its way to becoming operable. Two of the four buildings have the water and heating hooked up, and electricians and plumbers are working on the two remaining units. The two buildings with heat and water are being sheet rocked this week, and will be taped and painted as soon as possible. Each apartment contains an 11x22-foot living room, an 11x11 bedroom with large roomy closets, a bathroom and a compact kitchen.
25 years ago, Dec. 9, 1999
The Lovell Chronicle
Wash Works, a carwash and laundromat, opened last Saturday in Cowley on South Third East. Keith C. Brimhall said he’s wanted to open a carwash in Cowley for about 20 years, but it wasn’t until the last year that he actually began planning the project.
10 years ago, Dec. 11, 2014
The Lovell Chronicle
On Saturday, the top-seeded Rocky Mountain Middle School Grizz opened up the conference tournament facing the Thermopolis Bobcats. Rocky defeated Thermopolis 42-17. With the win, Rocky advanced to the semifinal round to meet the Cody Cougars. Rocky defeated Cody 27-19. The win earned Rocky a spot in the championship game against the Powell Cubs in a battle of the number-one seeds. The Grizz defeated Powell 43-20 to win the championship and finish the season undefeated at 14-0.
Pic: Posing following the Big Horn Conference championship game Saturday are Rocky Mountain sixth-grader team members (back row, l-r) manager Teagan Townsend, Ethan George, Jayden Hocker, Jaxon Jolley, Zane Horrocks, Cason James, Taylor Winland, Trace Moss, coach Dave Banks, (front row) Aaron George, manager Aubrianne Crosby, Dawson May, Zach Simmons, Tyler Banks, Trevor Jewell, Jess Wambeke, George Higgins and Branson Robinson.