Police report: Angry customer didn’t like his pizza
The Lovell Police Department received the following calls for the week of December 9-15:
December 9: 5:40 p.m. – A man called to say that he wished to have his female friend removed from his house. An officer responded and took the woman to a hotel.
December 11: 8:51 a.m. – As the animal control officer was getting ready for shelter duty, she opened the door to her truck and a male mountain cur dog jumped in. The dog had a gray collar but not tags. After the dog was taken to the shelter, the dog’s owner called about 30 minutes later looking for his dog. The dog was returned to its owner.
2:48 p.m. – A male caller reported that he was being threatened and it was starting to affect his work. As it was a domestic issue, he was advised to contact CARES.
3:38 p.m. – A worker at the 4 Corners Bar requested a criminal trespass order against a male subject to prevent him from coming back to the bar. It was granted.
7:27 p.m. – An employee at Maverik reported that he was being threatened by an angry customer who was yelling and cussing because he didn’t like the quality of the food he had purchased. The clerk had offered to cook another pizza, return his money and allow him to talk to the manager.
December 12: 2:40 p.m. – A caller reported that a large black and white dog was acting aggressively at Eighth and Montana. The owner was contacted and was on his way home to put the animal away.
5:17 p.m. – A 9-year-old girl was reported missing but was discovered at the Veterans Park downtown. An officer took her to her guardian.
December 13: 11:21 a.m. – A caller reported that a large pit bull at his residence on Oregon Avenue had bitten a child inside the home. An officer responded and told the reporting party that nothing could be done about the dog because the biting incident took place in a private residence.
December 14: 2:04 and 2:50 a.m. – Neighbors on both sides of a home at Bair’s Trailer Court on West Second Street called separately to report that loud music could be heard coming through the walls. The woman in the trailer between the two complaining parties was told to turn down the music, which she did.
11:15 a.m. – A caller reported that she was stuck inside the car wash on West Main. Fortunately, the owner was on site and freed the caller. If the owner is not present and another situation arises, there is a red emergency button near the dryers that can be used if a person becomes stuck in the car wash.
2:40 p.m. – A female caller reported that she was picking up some personal items at the home of her estranged partner, but he was drunk and screaming at the reporting party. A civil standby was conducted.
December 15: 8:10 a.m. – A citizen assist was requested at the Travelodge for an elderly male who was confused and had medical issues. An ambulance was called and his son contacted.
Noon – Several officers participated in the Blue Santa program, delivering packages in town for the Share-A-Stocking program at North Big Horn Hospital.
6:50 p.m. – Barking dogs were reported at a residence on Oregon Avenue. The owner was in Florida and the pets’ caretaker was not present. An officer put the dogs in the home.