The Week in Big Horn County
We are interested in printing the births of North Big Horn County babies. Report these births to the Lovell Chronicle at 307-548-2217.
Born to Calli Kelley and Brian Low Workman at home on October 11, 2024, at 3:22 p.m., a baby boy, Aaron James Workman, weighing 8 lbs., 12 oz. Grandparents are Stacey and the late Aaron Workman, Lynette and Ned Kelley and Milly Kelley.
Warranty deeds issued from the Big Horn County Clerk’s office recently were:
Kristie D. Anderson to Kenneth Jones Blackburn and Ashlee Ryan Blackburn; Cowley Original Town, (Part) Lot 1, Block 39.
Shoshone Meadows Properties, LLC and Allen Graber to Heather Aimone; Lots 64J, 64K, T55N R97W.
Johnny Griffith and Lorraine Griffith to Johnny Griffith, Lorraine Griffith and Joshua Griffith; Big Horn County S.S. 12-002 Subdivision, Lot 1, Lots 56, 57, T55N R97W.
Jeffery Mellem to Noah Graber and Summer Graber; Lot 3, Sec. 18, T57N R97W.
Quitclaim deeds issued from the Big Horn County Clerk’s office recently were:
Jeremy R. Mangus and Wesley R. Mangus to Wesley R. Mangus, Kaycie A. Mangus and Jeremy R. Mangus; W2SW4 Sec. 11, (Part) Lot 52, T56N R96W.
Robert R. Tillett, trustee of the Royce E. Tillett Trust dated August 30, 1989, to Crooked Creek Cattle Company; SE4NE4 Sec. 32, S2NW4, NE4SW4 Sec. 33, SE4, N2SW4 Sec. 34, NE4, N2SW4, SE4NW4 Sec. 35, T58N R95W.
Persons fined in the Lovell Municipal Court before Judge Bret T. Allred recently were:
Canon Click, Byron, 22, careless driving, $250.
Christopher D. Carabay, Lovell, 35, no proof of insurance, $570; vehicle registration required, $150.
Speeding in a 20 mph zone:
Bradley J. Shepard, Wasilla, Alaska, 43, 26 mph, $180.
Speeding in a 30 mph zone:
Canon Click, Byron, 22, 54 mph, $298.
David M. Carson, Atlanta, Ga., 48, 44 mph, $180.
Claire Moriarty, 33, Nashville, Tenn., 40 mph, $140.
Caleb D. Hoffman, Mt. Pleasant M, Pa., 40, 40 mph, $140.
Persons fined in the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court in Big Horn County before Judge Edward G. Luhm recently were:
Robbie Hitshew, Worland, leaking, spilling, blowing, falling cargo, $190.
Travis D. Harrison, Cody, battery, $320.
Roger Marchant, Byron, fail to notify change of address, 1st offense, (X2), bound over; sex offender: fail to change registered information within 3 days, 1st offense, bound over.
Christopher P. Vanvoorhis, Manderson, child present where methamphetamine or fentanyl is stored, ingested or possessed, (X2), bound over; possess controlled substance: powder or crystal, 3 grams or less, bound over.
John David Kunkel, Greybull, breach of peace, 30 days jail (30 suspended), $470.
Marlene F. Fabre, drive while license cancelled, suspended or revoked, $450.
Preston Roberson, Billings, no valid driver’s license, $140.
Speeding in a 30 mph zone:
Andrew Hollenbeck, Allendale, Mich., $195.
Thomas Taafuli, Hurricane, Utah, $133.
Speeding in a 70 mph zone:
Danielle Malson, Deaver, $120.
Jett Kiewel, Gillette, $103.
Jerome Goettsch, Payette, Idaho, $135.
Luke W. Nelson, Homer, Alaska, $145.
Kurtis Paul, Cody, $120.
Speeding in a superintendent’s zone:
Bridgett Patterson, Greybull, $135.
Neil Vander Ven, Stryker, Mont., $185.
Michael Nicholson, Lovell, $103.
Jacob Vanderwerff, Broomfield, Colo., $130.